The universe is now manifesting to you as a course in assertiveness training; you have a right to see that your needs are met.
- From Steven Forrest’s list of “Words of Wisdom in Mars Time” in The Book of Fire: The Life-givers.
Mars was lurking near the Full Moon in Cancer on Monday, and will make an opposition to the Sun this week. As we know, Full Moons often raise something from the unconscious or subconscious which needs attention, and Mars’ presence with the Moon and subsequent opposition to the Sun makes it even more likely that something ill-fitting has been yanked out from your childhood closet to be dealt with by your grown up self. Mars being in retrograde brings a peevishness to this situation, and you may have been isolating yourself out of avoidance rather than in self-reflection.
This is where the opening quote comes into play. When Mars in the birth chart is under duress, or Mars in the sky is being highlighted, as it is at present, we are being asked to look at our assertiveness. Are we being assertive when it is called for? Are we being assertive for the right reasons? When Mars is implicated in an acute injury or illness, perhaps we are being asked that same question, potentially getting a clue as to the issue in need of attention by the location or type of irritation which has manifested in our body.
In ancient astrology, Mars is one of the malefic planets, and the color red and the warrior archetype are associated with Mars. While Saturn, the other malefic, is often associated with chronic conditions, Mars is the planet most often implicated in acute conditions. In the same way a red flag was raised by the military to signify danger via munitions on a ship or to indicate live fire exercises are underway in an area, the body displays the color red and excess heat to indicate danger, as well.
In my recent post about Mars, I list out what Judith Hill credits Mars with ruling in the body. Below, I will provide additional details from her book Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology.
Mars’ action correlates to: stimulation, speeding up, inflammation, excess heat, breaking down, expulsion, violent itching (especially with Mars in an Earth or Water sign). On the positive side, Mars often provides athleticism, courage, strength, muscle tone.
For the body parts ruled by the sign Mars is in (the birth chart, or by transit) or the reflexing sign (see post #4 in the series, linked below, for an explanation), there can be excess heat, accidents, wounds, cuts, or surgery. It is the great invader and may cause the actions noted above due to invading pathogens.
Special Conditions:
If you were born in the day (meaning the Sun was above the horizon); and Mars was also above the horizon at the time of birth; and was in a masculine/yang sign, then your Mars is extremely hot! I can vouch for this (Mars in Leo, conjunct my Sun at the Midheaven) as I become easily inflamed, often have red marks on my hands and arms from cuts or burns, and have a consistent metabolism in need of frequent fuel. It may manifest in the body parts ruled by the sign Mars is in, or the sign it reflexes to. For me, this is the heart (ruled by Leo), and I have had frequent episodes of tachycardia and pre ventricular contractions (Mars’ speed at work).
As a reminder, the masculine signs are: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius, with the Fire trio being the hottest). Even one of the three conditions named will encourage Mars to overheat.
Conversely, if Mars is positioned below the horizon; and you were born at night (Sun below the horizon); and with Mars in a feminine/yin sign, you may run cooler and with a slower metabolism, possibly irritatingly so if your birth Mars placement meets all three conditions.
Reflex Action:
This concept was explained a bit in the Saturn post, indicating that you would also need to look at the sign opposite to where Mars is located in the chart, as well as to those at 90° angles, as Mars may kick off its effects to those body parts ruled by the aspected signs as well as the one it is in, especially if the Sun, Moon, or ruler of the Ascendant resides in one of those locations. There is also the possibility of reflex in the quincunx (150° away) position from Mars.
Mars’ Position by Sign, Some Basics:
Mars is strongly in character in the signs it rules, Aries and traditionally, Scorpio, as well.
Mars operates very easily in the sign of Capricorn, where it is exalted and Mars is weak or malfunctioning in the sign opposite, Cancer.
Mars is said to be in detriment (out of character) in the signs of Libra and Taurus, which are both Venus ruled. Note that out of character doesn’t equate to weak, especially in the sign of Taurus. Hill points out that individuals with Mars in Taurus are often very muscularly strong and have patience when working hard, rather the out of character is related to the slow pace that Mars operates with in this sign, as opposed to its characteristic impulsive, arrow like movement.
Perhaps this is a good time for the disclaimer:
My writing is not to be taken as medical (including psychological) advice or guidance, rather it is meant for entertainment purposes. Should you have any concerns about your body, mind, or spirit, please consult with your health and well-being care team.
The below is verbatim from Hill’s Book Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology. I provide this in order to whet your appetite for more information. Each of her books is extremely well researched, written, and are even illustrated by Hill, and I recommend that you purchase one or more for your home collection!
Note: Natal Mars in any of the signs does not insure one will have the conditions given below. Should your Mars be afflicted by aspect, in detriment or fall, retrograde or in association with the 1st, 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, or their planetary rulers, then possibly he may exhibit one or more of the listed complaints. He may do so anyway, being Mars, but this is not guaranteed.
Mars is better placed in the 6th and 8th than any of the other planets except fellow malefic Saturn, and if well aspected and dignified, may surprise you by producing excellent health when in “evil” houses!
Mars’ Pathological Action in the Twelve Signs
Mars in Aries: Dry hair, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, shooting pains in head, wounds to head and eye, stroke, aneurism, capillary bleeding in brain, heatstroke, smallpox, brain fever, rosacea, measles, nosebleed, meningitis. People with Mars in this sign need to be very careful not to become too angry or allow their heads to become too hot. These folks run high, fast fevers, acne, wounds to head or eyes.
Reflexes to: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn.
Quincunxes: Scorpio, Virgo.
Mars in Taurus: Quinsy, sore throat, tonsillitis, strep throat, hyperthyroid, laryngitis, pharyngitis, injuries to ear, nose, throat, neck, venereal disease, thrush, herpes of mouth, acne (due to toxins in colon), wounds to neck or any Taurus region.
Reflexes to: Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius.
Quincunxes: Sagittarius, Libra.
Mars in Gemini: Asthma (hot variety), bronchitis. Pain in nerves of shoulders, arms, hands. Cuts to hands, neuritis, pleurisy, insomnia, overactive nerves, pneumonia.
Reflexes to: Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces.
Quincunxes: Capricorn, Scorpio.
Mars in Cancer: Acid stomach, ulcer, stomach flu, breast issues, infertility due to chemical imbalance of the uterus, gastritis, irritated nipples, dyspepsia, pneumonia, wet inflammation of skin (poison oak type), violent allergies, wounds to breast or stomach.
Reflexes to: Capricorn, Libra, Aries.
Quincunxes: Aquarius, Sagittarius.
Maria Luz’s note: Norovirus, a type of ‘stomach flu’ has been surging while Mars has been in Cancer.
Mars in Leo: Inflammation of the heart, high blood pressure, back injury, inflammation of the spinal cord, angina pectoris, aneurism, wounds to heart or back, dangerously high fevers, fevers that damage the spinal cord.
Reflexes to: Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus.
Quincunxes: Pisces, Capricorn.
Mars in Virgo: Diverticulitis, pancreatitis, diabetes (due to overwork of the pancreas), colitis, dry bowel, parasites, appendicitis (16-19° Virgo are related to the appendix), worms, intestinal flu, ventral hernia, allergies due to hyperactive immune response, insect bite reaction, wounds to abdomen.
Reflexes to: Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini
Quincunxes: Aries, Aquarius.
Mars in Libra: Kidney infection, adrenal exhaustion, sex hormone imbalance, nephritis, pyelitis, acne (due to hormones), wounds to lower back or kidney.
Reflexes to: Aries, Capricorn, Cancer.
Quincunxes: Taurus, Pisces.
Mars in Scorpio: Vaginitis, mennoraghia, bladder infection, infection of female organs, nose bleed, uterine hemorrhage, miscarriage, abortion, venereal diseases, infection or injury of male organs, colitis, hemorrhoids, worms of the colon and anus, excess sex hormones, chronic diarrhea, acne (due to vigorous throwing off of toxins). Violent anal or genital itching. Waterborne diseases. Wounds to genitals or nose.
Reflexes to: Taurus, Aquarius, Leo.
Quincunxes: Gemini, Aries.
Mars in Sagittarius: Sciatica, groin pulls, strain to hip, glutteal or thigh muscles, hyperactivity, insomnia, athletic injuries, enteric fever, gunshot wounds. The motor nerves seem greatly agitated by this position.
Reflexes to: Gemini, Pisces, Virgo.
Quincunxes: Cancer, Taurus.
Mars in Capricorn: Knee injury, skin diseases of hot and/or dry quality: rash, itch, redness, heat. Erysipelas, psoriasis, measles, scabies, dry skin, carbuncles, boils, scars, keloids.
Reflexes to: Cancer, Aries, Libra.
Quincunxes: Leo, Gemini.
Mars in Aquarius: Sprained ankles, blood poisoning, wounds to lower leg. Effects heart through reflex action to Leo.
Reflexes to: Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.
Quincunxes: Virgo, Cancer.
Mars in Pisces: Restless feet syndrome, hot feet, foot injuries, toxic blood, lymphatic infection, mumps, duodenal ulcer, hyper sexuality, substance abuse, lung weakness, blood born disease, poison oak, blisters, boils, blood, parasites, waterborne disease, bleeding (difficulty clotting), foul body odor due to metabolic disorder.
Reflexes to: Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius.
Quincunxes: Libra, Leo.
And there you have it! Mars’ potential for malevolence through the twelve signs.
I think I will pause on my Medical Astrology rabbit hole journey for a bit, however, I want to leave you with the significations of the planets and the lunar nodes. Of course, their correlated actions and potential afflictions are detailed in Hill’s books, which I will list at the end.
The Sun: The Vital Force, Life Battery, and Light
The Moon: The Moon distributes the Vital Force
Mercury: Sense, reception, nerves
Venus: Pain relieving, relaxing
Mars: Hot and dry
Jupiter: Growth and expansion
Saturn: Cold, dry, and slow
Uranus: Electric, spasmodic, and cold
Neptune: Sleepy, diffusive, and psychic
Pluto: Invading, hideous, pathogenic
South Lunar Node: Deficient, weakening, draining
North Lunar Node: Excess, strengthening, engorging
I would love to hear in the comments your suggestions for future astrology topics! What you are curious about?
Also in this series:
Judith Hill Books used so far in this series:
The Twelve Zodiac Sign Syndromes of Medical Astrology: Expanding Out View of the Seasonal Wheel
Medical Astrology for Health Practitioners: A Healer's Guide
Judith Hill’s website
It's taken me a long time to learn to live with Mars on the cusp of Aries in my 4th house. 😶Maybe finally getting there, after 9+ decades? I understand why you're pausing the project, but I've been grateful for this look back at a cross-cultural medical paradigm that persisted for centuries. Thank you for your research!