I'm finally easing back into Substack after the New Year and catching up on my reading. I'm backtracking a bit because I'm very intrigued by your articles on Medical Astrology and it is, after all, Capricorn season. I want to be sure I get the foundation and structure for understanding.

In some ways, our home has been a school of Saturnian/Capricorn lessons. It has been interesting to see the differences between our two sons with Capricorn Suns and our oldest daughter with a Capricorn Moon. All three absolutely sought order and structure from an early age. But they each use those structures differently. One entered the military and simultaneously earned a degree in electrical engineering and is now working on his master's. Another, relentlessly pursued excellence in music and founded and physically built a traditional Appalachian roots music school, hired a staff of teachers, and continues to teach both locally and world wide via Patreon, and performs across the country. Our youngest son has loved art since he was a preschooler. At 17, he researched art schools and decided the expense outweighed the benefits so he pursued his own studies through apprenticeships with master painters locally and via online studies. He shared his plan with his father and I, making sure we approved of his plan, which included staying at home to minimize expenses. He even drew up a plan for household responsibilities he committed to taking on as a contribution to the smooth running of our home. He still does the grocery shopping, cooks dinner Monday through Friday, does laundry, and tends to the animals when my husband and I are away. After about 5 years of incredibly self-disciplined study that affected every area of his life and included daily meditation, yoga, and a very structured daily schedule, he began taking commissions and has developed his own independent career. For myself, I consciously chose the path of being a homemaker (quite literally since we hand build our home) around my first Saturn Return when I was 28. We even drew up a plan on paper, sketching out the layout of our home---which my wonderful Piscean husband lost just before we started building.😂💙

We've had all the usual bumps and plot-twists of family life but I really see how planets are nouns but signs are adverbs. Superficially, we each have our unique personalities but we all define our chosen mountains and come up with a plan for scaling it. We can't help it, even if we look radically different based on the mountains we choose.

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Leenie, this is so beautiful. I love seeing how families have themes of certain planets and/or signs woven through them, yet expressed differently with each individual.

It often expands in ways we couldn't possibly imagine, to take new forms and push our evolution.

I love the story about your husband's Piscean nature subconsciously thwarting the plans! 🤣

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Yes, our first born (a son) was born 3 days after my birthday and we both had the same due date. Our last born (a daughter) was born 3 days after my husband’s birthday and they both had the same due date. We call them our “bookends.” Lots of dynamic Piscean and Capricornian energy here. It sounds like it wouldn’t work but, miraculously, it does.

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Sorry I missed this one! I always learn so much from these.

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