Why subscribe?

Thank you for stopping by. My hope is that by sharing my human experience, others will feel seen and loved. Masking and shame are isolating, and healing requires connection, therefore we need to intentionally destigmatize having a human experience together. Here, I share practical information as well as questions for us to ponder.

A little about me, the person. In the space of about a year, I got sober, left my corporate career of 29 years, began a healing practice (astrology, hypnosis, and psychic mediumship) using the tools which most helped me.

Me, on my 1 year soberversary in 2023!

I have three sections with weekly posts plus a section with hypnosis-at-home tracks. I also post a daily Note, a Tarot card pulled for the collective each morning plus a haiku I write based upon the energy. I do not charge a subscription for any of my work here on Substack, so if you would like to support me, please consider becoming a client over at my website, where I offer my services to support your healing and understanding of yourself and your life via astrology, hypnosis, and psychic mediumship.

  • Maria Luz’s Substack. Personal essays published weekly on Mondays. I draw from pretty much anywhere I have felt the rough edge of growth in my acceptance of self. Here is one of my very first posts (also one with 100% open rate, but maybe that was 2/2 people) which touches upon the content of all three sections.

  • Maria Luz Astro. Currently, I am posting written summaries from my podcast, Maria Luz’s Conscious Curiosities, on Wednesdays. The podcast dives into the archetypes that are the language of astrology, for example, this one on Pluto. I also often touch upon questions I think the current astrological energy is posing to us so that we may use our free will wisely.

  • My Alcohol Story. Journal entries from my first year of sobriety published weekly on Fridays, as an offering to others on the often tough, lonely road to ditching alcohol. Here is the kick-off post.

  • Hypnosis Hangout. I have some recorded hypnosis-at-home tracks here for you. They help you gain wisdom from the Universe within you, or you can use them to relax or as you fall asleep.

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Attempting to live an honest and connected life using the wisdom found in astrology, tarot, and hypnosis to connect to self, the divine, and one another - while enjoying an alcohol-free creative life.


In one year I got sober, woke up to my psychic abilities, quit my corporate career, and opened an astrology and hypnosis practice. Sharing my experience so others on this path don’t feel so alone.